While most people report seeing positive results within the first few days, occasionally there’s an adjustment period like Allie describes in her review:
Allie M. Last month, I took a chance on using the Midwife Made Naturals “Milky-Way” after hearing about it from my Midwife and reading all about it. The first few days were rough and I felt like my had actually gotten a little worse. I spoke to my Midwife and she explained that even though I was off to a rough start that this is sometimes normal. She told me that my situation was rare but encouraged me to stay the course for at least another 2 weeks. I did, and I’m so glad that I did! Each day things got a little better, and then a little better…. I’m now on my second bottle and my milk production is so much better! I am finally to the point where I do not have to supplement anymore and both me And my baby are very happy about that! Thank you!